5 Reasons why you HAVE to try Hydrant this summer.
As summer approaches and temperatures rise, staying properly hydrated is the key to keeping your body going. In the quest for refreshing beverages that not only quench thirst but also replenish vital nutrients, look no further than Hydrant. With our unique, science-backed formulation and commitment to enhancing your overall well-being, here are 5 reasons to explore the world of Hydrant and make it your go-to hydration solution this summer.
Everyone is going to tell you pre-measured sticks are convenient. How you define “convenience” is up to you. Mix the powder with water and you’re good to go, right? Sure. You know what else is convenient? Knowing that the hydration products you’re carrying anywhere and everywhere were created by a team of experts who carefully selected ingredients that are the most effective and deliver the desired results. Thorough scientific research? That’s convenient.
We know our audience and their needs – and we knew we could meet those needs and capture flavor without adding unnecessary ingredients. Our flavors (like Watermelonade and Fruit Punch) lean on true refreshment and use small amounts of real fruit juice powder, so everything crossing your taste buds is as real as it gets. Plus, we don’t need to get in your head for you to know that anything cold and refreshing naturally tastes better in the summer heat.
Sure, critical hydration is what brought us to the game. But so did concern for full-body health. Sleep does more than recharge you – and that’s why we created Hydrant SLEEP. Sleep is the thing you can’t eat or drink that is essential for the repair and restoration of your tissues and organs. Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, increase inflammation, and increase risk of chronic health conditions. Plus, during the summer, a good night’s sleep can help regulate your body temperature. Now that’s cool.
In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to take care of our planet.
We use 97% less plastic than bottled water and sports drinks, and drinking Hydrant with a reusable water bottle uses 97% less CO2.
By prioritizing sustainability (check out the full report outlining our commitment), we’re doing our part to reduce our environmental impact.
And we know what you’re thinking – how can something so small make an impact? The truth is, every small step toward sustainability, when taken by many people, can lead to significant changes in behavior and a reduction in environmental harm.
When you sweat, you lose more than just water. You also say goodbye to the essential electrolytes your body needs for good hydration and overall health. Which is never going to help you in the middle of a heat wave. So, when you grab a scientifically-backed product like Hydrant that you know is going to keep you going no matter what nature has in store, you’re not just doing your body a favor. You’re your own real-life superhero – saving the day, and your hydration levels, like a pro.
Be Summer Ready!
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