60 Second Lesson - volley drills, nearly anywhere

60 Second Lesson - volley drills, nearly anywhere

Good Morning & welcome back to your weekly 60 Second Pickleball Lessons! We're here to provide tips to improve you game and keep you playing healthy and strong, through quick weekly videos!

Before the the lesson, we want to take a minute to thank all of you who entered our pickleball starter pack giveaway! One lucky winner takes home entry to a Never Stop Playing Pickleball Camp, two paddles from Revolin, a pack of balls from CORE, Head shoes, two shirts from Relish, a hand-warming koozie made by Megan Charity, a 3-months supply of Hydrant and a water bottle. Congrats to Lacie P on winning it all!

Now for your lesson, we take it off the courts with Kevin Walker. Sometimes, weather or life gets in the way of getting to the courts, so take it the garage, or hallway wall and get some solo volley drills in. Spend as much or as little time as you have - it will help improve your hand/eye coordination so you become more consistent in the kitchen.



-Practice your forehand and backhand

-Focus on getting your paddle back up to ready position between hits

When you're ready, pick up the speed to advance your skills


Free Hydrant

Today's winner is Abby P.  Abby, check your email, we'll be in touch :)

If this email was forwarded to you, add your email here and we’ll make sure these get to your inbox weekly (and enter you to win the giveaways!)


We want to hear from you - what kind of lessons do you want?

Pickle Partner  

Never Stop Playing Pickleball Camps will improve play for the everyday athlete by helping them find a better way to unlock performance.

Instructors will educate players on techniques and game strategies needed to excel on the court that encourages them to Never Stop Playing.

Learn more here!

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